Cathey Rusing
for Prescott Mayor
⭐ Commitment ⭐ Community
⭐ Common Sense

Hello, I am Cathey Rusing.
I am currently serving as a Member of your City Council, and have served in that capacity since November 2019. NOW I WANT TO BECOME YOUR MAYOR! The City's Primary Election is on August 5th, 2025.
I INVITE YOU to learn about
Me, on the "Meet Cathey" page,
My accomplishments on City Council and my key issues going forward, on the "Accomplishments & Issues" page, and
My commitments to you, at the bottom of this page.
PLEASE SIGN MY PETITION! If you reside within Prescott's City limits, please sign my Nominating Petition. To get on the Primary Election ballot I need a minimum of 650 signatures. I should have 1200 for ‘good measure,’ and will work to get the remaining signatures on paper (versus online). For the first time in a City of Prescott Election, you can now sign candidates' Nominating Petitions online, through a system 0perated by the State. Remember that you can sign the petition of only one mayoral candidate.
C LICK HERE to go to Arizona's e-qual website. Have your Drivers License or Voter Registration handy.
Fill in your identifying info, then proceed.
On the next page, SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM and find my name, Cathey Rusing. If you can't find it, you might have already signed my petition or that of my mayoral opponent. Or, based on your voter registration address, the system might have determined that you're not within City limits (even if your address is in Prescott).
Click on my name, Cathey Rusing, and follow the instructions to complete signing.
Please tell your family, friends, and neighbors about me, and gather petition signatures on paper from those who would prefer to sign on paper. Contact me at CatheyRusing@gmail.com to get the paper petitions.
Schedule a 'Meet & Greet' event for you family, friends, and neighbors to meet Cathey. Contact me at CatheyRusing@gmail.com.
Consider making a donation to help me get the word out with advertising material and through various media.
You can donate securely online by clicking on the "Donate" button at the upper right of every page, or going directly to that page using the corresponding tab in the top menu.
If you would rather donate by check, contact me at CatheyRusing@gmail.com for the mailing address.

LEFT On January 9th, 2025,
Cathey Rusing had just filed her Candidate Statement of Interest Form with Prescott's City Clerk.
Pictured (from top left to bottom right): Tom Rusing (husband of Cathey Rusing), Rod Moyer (Campaign Treasurer), Jennifer Willta (Deputy City Clerk), Cathey Rusing, and Sarah Slep (City Clerk).
RIGHT Cathey Rusing gets a signature on her Nominating Petition from a supportive Prescott voter.
The voter's dog approves!


Supports well-planned, well-managed growth that respects our values and values our town.

A vision for developing a diverse business community and a vibrant downtown.

Supports protecting our natural beauty, the Open Space Policy, and the Glassford Dells Regional Park and Preserve.

Working to upgrade and maintain our essential infrastructure including roads, water, sewer, and public safety.

Ensuring an adequate water supply through conservation and regional
cooperation, and protecting the flow of the Upper Verde River.

Truth and transparency, with more public input, not less.
Council policy must be driven by you,
the people of Prescott.